Ios library for api download

The AWS Mobile SDK for iOS is available through CocoaPods. Older SDK versions can be downloaded from to vend credentials used to authenticate the service client's API calls.

Dec 10, 2015 Top 10 iOS Swift Libraries Every iOS Developer Should Know About If you've ever written an app which downloads information via an API, 

Sinch API documentation. Download the file and add it to your project. Similar to iOS SDK, Android SDK in the near future will stop to sending notifications 

To get an insight on how to properly integrate the Presence SDK in your app or need help with a step below, you may download and reference this demo project. Download the latest for the Helpshift iOS SDK. HelpshiftSupport.h: Support API header file  A convenient wrapper for making authenticated calls to LinkedIn's REST APIs. Deeplinking to Download the latest version of the LinkedIn Mobile SDK for iOS. Brightcove provides active support for the latest iOS SDK on the following iOS through the Playback API, or as remote assets with internet accessible URLs. The plugins can be downloaded from their respective Github repos, and each  Brightcove provides active support for the latest iOS SDK on the following iOS through the Playback API, or as remote assets with internet accessible URLs. The plugins can be downloaded from their respective Github repos, and each 

Run pod install in your Xcode project directory. CocoaPods should download and install the Mixpanel library, and create a new Xcode workspace. Open up this  Download the Amazon Mobile App SDK for iOS and extract the files to a directory on your hard drive. to view the Login with Amazon iOS API Reference. Aug 28, 2018 Maps SDK Examples app download package: TomTom Maps iOS SDK Developers using TomTom SDKs and APIs in their apps similarly  You can also open a sample project from SDK for iOS package which you can download from The Xcode projects are available in the  We're talking PHP, Node.js, Python, iOS, Android, and Deeplink. These libraries are supported by Vimeo staff. Unofficial Libraries and Downloads. To get an insight on how to properly integrate the Presence SDK in your app or need help with a step below, you may download and reference this demo project.

The OpenTok iOS SDK lets you use OpenTok-powered video sessions in apps you build for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices. API reference Download  You can also download the latest version of the Facebook iOS SDK, integrate it Graph API. Get data in and out of Facebook's social graph, query data, post  For reference information about the iOS APIs, see iOS API Reference. Select and download the latest framework as a zip file from iOS Releases. Unzip the file  Get the SDK that lets you build native iOS apps with Swift & Objective-C. Use tutorials to start building an app with the ArcGIS iOS SDK. API Reference. The download packages includes comprehensive documentation of all API classes in the /docs folder. You can also read the 

You can also download the latest version of the Facebook iOS SDK, integrate it Graph API. Get data in and out of Facebook's social graph, query data, post 

Developed in Swift, the LINE SDK for iOS Swift provides a modern way of implementing LINE APIs. The LINE SDK 5.0.0 for iOS Objective-C is the last version of  If you are building iOS apps, you can use the Swift PiwikTracker client (or Learn more and download Matomo iOS SDK on Github at  Get up and running with Plaid Link for iOS. provide a reference implementation in Swift and Objective-C. Youʼll want to sign up for free API keys to get started. Nov 20, 2018 Maps SDK for iOS is a convenient Software Development Kit that helps you Maps API – display and interact with beautiful maps in your Go to DOWNLOADS page to get the TomTom Maps SDK Examples app to see  such as parse-server , parse-dashboard , parse-javascript-sdk , parse-cloud and parse-ios-sdk . Learn more about deploying your own Parse Server, or dive into our detailed client SDK guides. API Reference · Latest Downloads.

Integrating with the Flurry SDK is easy and straightforward for iOS developers. Once you get your Flurry API Key (more on how to create an app ), import Flurry 

Run pod install in your Xcode project directory. CocoaPods should download and install the Mixpanel library, and create a new Xcode workspace. Open up this 

Brightcove provides active support for the latest iOS SDK on the following iOS through the Playback API, or as remote assets with internet accessible URLs. The plugins can be downloaded from their respective Github repos, and each